
發表於 12/19/2022 — 

邁克爾:當一個星球上發生靈魂年齡轉變時,比如即將出現在你們世界地平線上的從年輕到成熟靈魂的轉變,這意味著大部分人口與成熟的靈魂意識產生共鳴,但有幾點需要注意 稍後再討論。

每個靈魂年齡轉變之前都有一系列階段,準確地說是七個階段,在大多數人口達到臨界點後的 70 到 100 年的時間跨度內展開。 這些波浪通常在轉變前每十年到達一次,或者可以說一些波峰堆積在淺灘中,並且滾動得更快。 在命運的逆轉中,政治氣候阻礙了更大意識的傳播,進展被推遲了。

每個階段都代表一次射箭,標誌著意識轉變的聚集風暴,隨著多數人之間的差距被另一人超越,力量和強度不斷增強。 它帶來了社會價值觀的重大轉變,那些支持和塑造社區結構基礎的行為和態度。 然後,借用一個社交媒體術語,這種新觀點迅速傳播開來,並向人群發起另一種意識形態立場,這種立場悄然推進,直到所涉及的絕對數字創造出大多數人無法再壓制的集體聲音。

我們應該補充說,所有文明,甚至在外星世界,都會經歷靈魂年齡的轉變。 這些轉變不可避免地導致社會階層的動盪。 鑑於你們物種的外向攻擊性,例如,本能的中心仍然受到諸如戰鬥或逃跑反應等防禦機制的保護,在這些轉變期間發生衝突和暴力的機會就會增加。 我們這樣說並不是為了製造恐慌,而是為了強調這些轉變具有世俗意義。

七個階段在靈魂時代轉變期間展開的原因主要涉及為未來的戲劇性意識形態變革奠定基礎。 這些階段就像緩衝器一樣工作,緩衝過渡期間的打擊,因此它們不會一下子發生。 你看到他們來了。 可能改變一個國家(或世界)的社會、經濟和環境前景的文化轉變可能會壓倒和恐嚇民眾。 戰爭可能開始。 這些轉變絕不會掉以輕心,它們與現實世界中需要改變以改善人類福祉的問題不謀而合。

舉個例子,每個階段都以良心的文化危機開始,通常會導致暴力行為和內亂。 這裡有一個極性,雖然不是經典意義上的負極和正極,但對比是相似的,負面情況升級,直到喧囂導致公平和積極的結果。

第一階段的開始看起來像是整個社會的一系列隨機火災,起初看起來毫無關聯,但最終會合併成更具凝聚力和文化相關性的變革需求。 該階段的第二部分稍後會加強對問題出在哪裡以及補救措施可以解決問題的審查。 例如,在 1990 年代引起媒體關注的大部分政治正確性都體現了第二部分(或解決問題的需要)。

雖然靈魂時代轉變的各個階段勢頭強勁,但我們有時會看到平靜,通常是在政治權力和意識形態發生根本性的社會變革期間。 這並不意味著靈魂年齡的轉變在人口中停止進步,而是來自人口中代表性不足的靈魂年齡組的社會變革,被掃地出門,有利於當權者。

轉變包括兩個因素:一個靈魂時代觀點相對於另一個靈魂時代觀點的數學積累,以及驗證靈魂時代大多數人的看法的意識轉變。 大多數人的靈魂年齡轉變不會立即導致集體意識的改變,這從來都不是注定的。 它永遠不會在一夜之間發生。 在完全實現轉變的社會效益之前,需要喚醒早期成熟靈魂的自覺意識。

例如,作為第一級成熟靈魂出生的孩子通常不會改變社會的遊戲規則,至少從新靈魂時代的角度來看是這樣。 靈魂時代階段的早期階段可能會退回到他們過去踩踏的地方的意識形態。 因此,第一個成熟的靈魂可能會接受年輕靈魂的價值觀; 他們與以前的觀點相距不遠。 雖然,任何被更有意識的同齡人包圍的成熟靈魂都可以喚醒他們真正靈魂年齡的價值觀。 它通常取決於童年和制度印記的結合。

另一點需要考慮的是,轉變也可能適用於其他靈魂年齡。 如果新的意識形態沒有引發他們的恐懼,嬰兒和年輕靈魂性格的某些部分可能會採用新的意識形態,這並非不可能。 實際上,這可以在成熟的靈魂佔多數之前為社會注入成熟的靈魂價值體系。

不過,一般來說,行星上成熟的靈魂轉變很少會不戰而合。 年輕的靈魂意識和成熟的靈魂之間的價值觀尤其矛盾。 這是地震級的碰撞,咬牙切齒和咆哮是真實的,應謹慎觀察。 革命已經在國家或更小的部分、宗教團體或政治派別中因此類衝突爆發。 它可以表現為一種生活方式的破壞,以前的信仰和價值觀被連根拔起,生計似乎受到威脅,未來充滿不確定性。 由此產生的恐懼可能會激起不願接受變革或拼命試圖將事情恢復原狀的群體的暴力行為。

這是意識形態的不同。 年輕的靈魂常常以造福於國家的技術創新和企業家精神而震驚我們。 他們生活在一個事情已經完成的外部世界中,但並沒有那麼重視尊重人的內在生活。 然而,成熟的靈魂階段將意識帶到了人類的這一面。

隨著成熟的靈魂轉變,期待技術、社會制度和環境影響世界的方式發生變化。 通過它如何影響他人的平等來衡量一切成為當務之急。 種族平等、性別平等(包括 LGBTQ+ 社區)、工作場所的平等等等,都是影響因素。政府將不負責任,後果自負,所有環境舉措都將根據其對地球的友好程度來評判。 以人為達到目的的手段的舊強調已被各行各業的人如何賦權所取代。

如果沒有推回,這些目標都無法實現,一些解決方案可能會導致不可避免的越界,在這種情況下,為糾正錯誤而採取過度反應和極端措施有時弊大於利。 這通常發生在轉變的早期階段。


意識意識轉變的編年史在美國歷史上有很好的記載,其中關注了該國那些被壓抑和邊緣化的人的困境。 有趣的是,成熟的靈魂意識並沒有標誌著社會變革的所有實例。 一些晚期的年輕靈魂厭倦了 20 世紀之交的性別不平等,開始積極參與領導自由和改革的呼聲。

然而,在 1950 年代,在歷史性的布朗訴教育委員會決定之後,邁向成熟靈魂轉變的第一階段正在進行中。 不分種族的平等教育機會成為全國記錄。 這就是前面提到的那一槍,構成了意識的早期轉變。

在 1960 年代初期,馬丁路德金和民權運動的工作在約翰肯尼迪(一個年輕的靈魂)的支持下得到了部分幫助,是第一階段的延續,由集會、遊行和 強調非暴力抵抗。 圍繞越南戰爭的抗議和社會騷動是這種意識轉變的另一個分支,並且出於所有意圖和目的,將林登約翰遜和他的偉大社會改革視為第一階段的高潮。

理查德·尼克森的當選在這種轉變的外在表現上帶來了挫折——儘管隨著人口數量的增加,更多的中等成熟靈魂誕生了,為未來的變化奠定了基礎。 在你們社會的口袋裡仍然可以找到小的勝利,重要的 Roe vs Wade 決定影響著你們國家婦女的權利。 但轉變的第二階段直到 1980 年代愛滋病流行才開始。

愛滋病被污名化為同性戀社區的一種疾病,它以其死亡人數肆虐美國,並催生了一種恐同的歧視,這種歧視邊緣化並煽動了針對男性和女性的暴力行為。 1990年代克林頓政府時期的政治正確運動是這一階段的第二部分,試圖扭轉局面。 這種情況又持續了二十年,在布什政府期間,更多的挫折和增加成熟靈魂理解的機會被擱置在砧板上。 並不是說變革運動不存在,但正如我們已經說過的,在政治權力不平衡的時期,獲得牽引力的能力會減弱。

也許令人驚訝的是,第二階段直到巴拉克奧巴馬總統當選後才結束,這在許多情感層面上都被認為是已完成工作的高潮,以及對已完成工作的慶祝回顧。 空氣中瀰漫著希望和自豪感,但這種感覺是短暫的。 幾乎一半的投票民眾充滿仇恨,並希望第一位黑人總統下台。

在唐納德特朗普擔任總統期間,第三階段開始了,按照你所說的邁克爾數學,這個階段鬆散地與一種充滿活力的三性共鳴,它徘徊在進取心和多才多藝之間,也在一定程度上與戰士產生共鳴 活力。 雖然,這些只是近似值。

事實上,一般的階段可以通過從序數到基數的進展來表徵,第一階段是最有序的,第七階段是最基數的。 前三個階段分別與服務器、工匠和戰士能量方面產生共鳴。 第四階段,更像學者,評估勢頭的方向,並為最後一系列步驟架起一座橋樑,最後三個階段代表聖人、祭司和國王能量的主要觀點。

關於評估什麼,或者更具體地說,在這個週期中以何種方式起作用的意識,將是一個合理的問題。 答案是所有參與這齣戲的靈魂的集體身體,甚至是那些目前投生與本質只有極小聯繫的靈魂,都參與其中。 這主要是在潛意識層面,但靈魂年齡的變化及其重要性的重要性在靈魂層面被深深地感受到。 事件的意圖是轉變期間在場的所有靈魂化身計劃的一部分。 即使是沒有活著體驗過渡本身的靈魂也被認為是準備的一部分。

整體而言,就社會變遷而言,靈魂年齡轉換工作的基礎主要在序數階段完成,第四階段在社會心理和文化層面起著關鍵的調解作用, 以確保最和平和最有意義的過渡。 一旦在轉變中達到基數狀態,最初幾乎在細胞水平上增長的早期變化口袋,只是意識轉變的單個單位,逐漸聚集成更大的結締組織狀態,最終實現增強的凝聚力和集體意識 湧現。 在這一點上,轉變的基數已經覺醒,變革正在全面發生並集體發生。 出於這個原因,轉變的前半部分是過渡中最痛苦和分裂的一章。 在達到基數之後,圍攻形成階段的好戰的暴躁和攻擊性因素已經被消除,有利於用新的一致和更大的和諧取代早期的不和諧

然而,在你們國家,印記的多數規則仍然是年輕的靈魂。 這在你的政府部門、你的政治、你對資本主義的擁抱、你對青春和美麗的痴迷、你對競爭和體育的熱愛、你攀登成功階梯的興奮、你將金錢作為一種世俗宗教中廣泛實施 , 等等。 衡量一個國家的印記很容易表明靈魂年齡轉變的進展情況。 通常,一旦轉變的基數已經實現,集體印記就會轉向新的靈魂時代視角。

你的國家目前發現自己捲入了有序的第三階段的第一部分,黑人的命也是命運動、騷亂、大流行期間分裂你國家的尖刻尖刻、有爭議的選舉、對你國家首都的突襲,所有的例子 當一個國家的兩種截然不同的意識形態相互對立時,就會發生對抗。

在美國從年輕的靈魂多數轉變為成熟的靈魂之前,還剩下四個階段。 根據可用的概率,我們估計這可能還需要七十年或更長時間。 世界上其他國家在這一轉變中已經領先於美國,但也有足夠多的落後者,我們至少在一百年或更長時間內都看不到覆蓋整個世界的成熟靈魂轉變。 然而,就社會價值觀而言,向成熟靈魂意識的轉變可能會更快實現。 如前所述,社會的價值體係並不總是與人口中靈魂年齡的百分比相關。 由於涉及的可變性,準確的估計是棘手的。 並不是每個成熟的靈魂都會顯化他們真正的靈魂年齡,或者有足夠的意識去改變。

一些渠道已經宣布轉變已經完成,並且它們在技術上是正確的,因為成熟的靈魂轉變已經開始不可改變地滑向它的不歸路。 但是終點線還沒有被越過。

e. 基本上,他們(邁克爾通常稱自己為“我們”而不是“我”)是地球上我們的精神嚮導和導師,將他們的智慧和能量傳遞給我們,以促進我們的精神進步和學習。

頻道:Chelsea Quinn Yarbro
此文來源:Tony178 摘自以下英文網站


The Michael Collective: Mature Soul Shift
Posted on 12/19/2022 by EraOfLight — 
MICHAEL: When a soul age shift occurs on a planet, such as the impending shift from young to mature soul that now looms on the horizon in your world, this means the greater part of the population resonates with mature soul consciousness, with a couple caveats to be discussed later.

Every soul age shift is preceded by a series of stages, seven to be precise, that roll out over a span of 70 to 100 years after the majority in a population reaches a tipping point. These waves often arrive each decade prior to the shift, or some crests pile up in the shallows, so to speak, and roll in much faster. In reversals of fortune, where the political climate stunts the spread of greater awareness, progress is delayed.

Each stage represents a shot across the bow, marking a gathering storm of shifts in consciousness, building with strength and intensity as the gap between one majority is overtaken by another. It brings a significant transformation in social values, those behaviors and attitudes that support and shape the foundation of your communal structure. This new perspective then goes viral, to borrow a social media term, and launches an alternative ideological position into a population that quietly advances until the sheer numbers involved create a collective voice the majority can no longer suppress.

All civilizations, we should add, even on extraterrestrial worlds, experience soul age shifts. These transitions inevitably lead to upheavals in the social strata. Given the outwardly aggressive nature of your species, for example, with an instinctive centering still guarded by defense mechanisms such as fight or flight response, the chances for conflict and violence during these shifts are heightened. We do not say this to create alarm but to emphasize that these transitions are of worldly significance.

Reasons why the seven stages unfold during a soul age shift mostly involve laying the groundwork for the dramatic ideological change that lies ahead. The stages work like a buffer, cushioning the blows during the transition so they do not happen all at once. You see them coming. Cultural shifts that potentially reform the social, economic, and environmental outlook of a nation (or the world) can overwhelm and frighten the populace. Wars may start. These shifts are never taken lightly, and they coincide with real-world issues in need of change for the betterment of humanity.

To offer some preliminaries, each stage begins with a cultural crisis of conscience, often resulting in acts of violence and civil unrest. There is a polarity here, although not classic in the sense of the negative and positive poles, but the contrast is similar, where a negative situation escalates until the uproar results in a fair and positive outcome.

The start of the first stage can seem like a series of random fires across society that appear unconnected at first, but eventually coalesce into a more cohesive and culturally relevant demand for change. The second part of the stage comes later with an increased scrutiny regarding what went wrong and what remedies would solve the problem. Much of the political correctness that captured the media’s attention during the 1990s, for example, exemplify the second part (or that need for problem solving).

While the stages during a soul age shift build in momentum, we see lulls on occasion, usually during radical societal changes in political power and ideology. This does not mean the shift in soul age ceases to progress in the population, but societal transformation coming from a soul age group that’s underrepresented in the population, gets swept under the rug in favor of those in power.

A shift comprises two factors: the mathematical accumulation of one soul age perspective over another, and a shift in consciousness that validates the perceptions of the soul age majority. It’s never preordained that a soul age shift in the majority will immediately result in a change of the collective consciousness. It never happens over night. The conscious awareness in early mature souls needs to be awakened before the societal benefits of the shift are fully realized.

A child born, for example, as a first level mature soul is generally not a game changer in society, at least in terms of the new soul age perspective. The earlier levels of a soul age stage may fall back to the ideology of their old stomping grounds. Hence, a first mature soul might embrace the values of the young soul; they’re not that far removed from their former perspective. Although, any mature soul surrounded by more consciously aware peers can awaken to the values of their true soul age. It often depends on a combination of childhood and institutional imprinting.

Another point to consider is that a shift may apply to other soul ages, as well. It’s not improbable that certain segments of baby and young soul disposition might adopt the new ideology if it doesn’t trigger their fears. This, in effect, can infuse a society with a mature soul value system before a mature soul majority is even attained.

In general, though, the mature soul shift on a planet rarely conspires without a fight. The values between young soul consciousness and the mature soul in particular, couldn’t be more at odds. This is a clash of seismic magnitude and the teeth-gnashing and snarls are real and should be observed with caution. Revolutions have erupted over such conflicts in countries — or in smaller segments, religious groups or political factions. It can appear as the destruction of a way of life, where former beliefs and values are uprooted, livelihoods seem threatened, and the future is uncertain. The fear this generates may incite violence from groups unwilling to accept the change or who are desperately trying to return things to the way they were.

It’s a difference in ideology. Young souls often astound us with their technological innovations and entrepreneurship that benefit a nation. They live in an outer world where things get done, but don’t give as much priority to honoring the inner life of what it means to be human. The mature soul stage, however, brings awareness to this side of humanity.

With a mature soul shift, expect a change in how technology, social institutions, and the environment impact the world. Measuring everything by how it affects the equality of others becomes the priority. Racial equality, gender equality (including the LGBTQ+ community), equality in the workplace, and so on, all factor in. Governments will be unaccountable at their own peril, and all environmental initiatives will be judged on the basis of their earth-friendliness. The old emphasis of using people as a means to an end is replaced with how people in all walks of life are empowered.

None of these objectives get accomplished without push-back, and some solutions may lead to the inevitable overreach, where overreactive and extreme measures taken to correct a wrong, sometimes do more harm than good. This typically happens in the early stages of a shift.

We think it might be instructive to show how these stages have played out thus far in the United States.

A chronicle of shifts in conscious awareness is well documented in US history, where attention to the plights of those repressed and marginalized in that country were addressed. Of interest, mature soul consciousness has not marked all instances of societal change. Some late level young souls, weary of the gender inequalities during the turn of the 20th century, became actively involved in leading the cry of freedom and reform.

In the 1950s, though, following the historic Brown vs Board of Education decision, the first stage toward the mature soul shift was underway. Equal opportunity in schooling regardless of race became a matter of national record. This was the before-mentioned shot across the bow, and constituted an early shift in consciousness.

In the early 1960s, the work of Martin Luther King and the Civil Rights movement, aided in part by the support of John F. Kennedy (a young soul) was a continuance of the first stage, mobilized by the rallies, the marches and the emphasis on non-violent resistance. The protests and social uproar surrounding the Vietnam War was another offshoot of this shift in consciousness, and for all intents and purposes, consider Lyndon Johnson and his Great Society reforms the culmination of the first stage.

The election of Richard Nixon brought a setback in the outward expression of the shift — although as the population numbers increased, more mid-level mature souls were born, laying the foundation for changes to come in the future. Minor victories could still be found in pockets of your society, with the momentous Roe vs Wade decision impacting the rights of women across your country. But the second stage of the shift didn’t take hold until the AIDS epidemic in the 1980s.

Stigmatized as a disease from gay communities, AIDS ravaged the US in its death toll and gave birth to a homophobic level of discrimination that marginalized and incited acts of violence against men and women. The political correctness movement seen during the Clinton administration in the 1990s was the second part of this stage and attempted to right the ship. This continued for another two decades, with more setbacks and opportunities for increased mature soul understanding put on the chopping block during the Bush administration. It’s not that movements for change did not exist, but as we’ve said already, during periods where an imbalance in political power exists, the ability to gain traction is diminished.

Perhaps surprisingly, the end of the second stage didn’t come until the election of President Barack Obama, and this was felt on many emotional levels as a culmination of the work done, and a celebratory review of what had been accomplished. There was a sense of hope and pride in the air, but it would be short lived. Almost half the voting populace seethed with hatred and sought the downfall of the first black president.

During the presidency of Donald Trump, the third stage began, and in keeping with Michael math, as you call it, the stage loosely resonates with an energetic three-ness, which hovers between enterprise and versatility, and also reverberates to a degree with warrior energy. Although, these are approximations only.

In fact, the stages in general can be characterized by their progression from ordinality to cardinality, with the first stage being the most ordinal, and the seventh, the most cardinal. The first three stages resonate with aspects of server, artisan, and warrior energy, respectively. The fourth stage, more scholar-like, takes stock of where the momentum has led, and builds a bridge to the final series of steps, with the last three stages representing the cardinal perspectives of sage, priest, and king energies.

Regarding what takes stock, or more specifically, what manner of consciousness is at work in this cycle, would be a reasonable question. The answer is that the collective body of all souls taking part in this drama, even those currently incarnating with only an infinitesimal connection to essence, are involved. This is mostly at a subconscious level, but soul age shifts and the magnitude of their importance are deeply felt at the soul level. The intentionality of the event is then part of the incarnational plan of all souls present during the shift. Even souls that do not live to experience the transition itself are considered part of the preparation.

As a whole, in terms of societal change, the foundation of the work in a soul age transition is largely accomplished during the ordinal stages, with the fourth stage playing a pivotal role in mediation, at both the psychological and cultural levels of a society, to ensure the most peaceful and meaningful transition. Once a state of cardinality is reached in the shift, the earlier pockets of change that initially grew at almost cellular levels, just single units of shifts in consciousness that gradually assembled into larger states of connective tissue, eventually realize increased cohesion, and a collective awareness spring forth. At this point, the cardinality of the shift has awakened and change is happening across the board and working en masse. For that reason, the first half of a shift is the most agonizing and divisive chapter in a transition. After cardinality has been achieved, the belligerently fractious and assaultive elements that besieged the formative stages have been smoothed out in favor of replacing the earlier dissonance with a new accord and greater harmony

The majority rule of imprinting in your country, however, is still young soul. This is widely enforced in the branches of your government, your politics, your embrace of capitalism, your obsessions with youth and beauty, your love of competition and sports, your thrill of climbing the ladder of success, your adoption of money as a secular religion, and so on. Gauging the imprinting of a country is an easy marker of how far along a soul age shift has progressed. As a rule, the collective imprinting shifts to the new soul age perspective once the cardinality of the transition has been realized.

Your nation currently finds itself embroiled in the first part of the ordinal third stage, with the Black Lives Matter movement, the riots, the bitter acrimony that divided your nation during the pandemic, the contentious election, the raid on your Nation’s capital, all examples of the confrontations that come when two disparate ideologies in a country pit themselves against each other.

Four more stages remain until the US shifts from young soul majority to mature. Based on the probabilities available, we estimate this could take another seventy years or longer. Other countries in the world are already ahead of the US in this transition, but there are also enough stragglers that we don’t see a mature soul shift encompassing the entire world for at least another hundred years or more. A shift toward mature soul consciousness, in terms of societal values, however, could be realized much sooner. As mentioned earlier, the value system of a society does not always correlate with the percentages of soul age in a population. An exact estimate is tricky due to the variability involved. Not every mature soul will manifest their true soul age or be consciously aware enough to make a difference.

Some channels have declared the shift as complete and they are correct by a technicality, as the mature soul shift has begun an unalterable slide toward its point of no-return. But the finish line has not been crossed yet.

Michael is a group soul, a collective consciousness of 1050 essences who finished all their lifetimes on Earth, cycled off the physical plane, and recombined into an Entity who now resides and teaches from the mid-causal plane. Basically, they (Michael usually refers to themselves as “we” rather than “I”) are spirit-guides and mentors to us here on Earth, channeling their wisdom and energy to us for our spiritual advancement and learning. 

**Channel: Chelsea Quinn Yarbro



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